Topic: Links w/c causing the surfbar to stop

wetpacks0823 05.05.2016 22:28
Hi and good day,

Can any of you in ebeuscher or any of you who are responsible for checking those submitted site to run in your TE disable/fix those youtube link w/c causing the surfbar to stop. It is a link w/c redirect to youtube to watch this girl's channel who talks about sassy things etc. I use google chrome for running my surflink cause it is far the most stable and gives me better result compared to firefox and also do you have any plan on making a surfbar extension for google chrome?


Adding up to the link w/c causing the surfbar to freeze are these Uncharted: 4 and addidas stuff website, and also this is the girl's Youtube Link: "". I'll post the uncharted and addidas url if I bump to those webpage again.

Thank you.

djoni 06.05.2016 15:04
Hello! The mentioned youtube link does not or does no longer exist in our database. Please report the website through the rule-violation form in the surfbar.