Topic: eBesucher Bidding – Dynamic Advertising Costs

djoni 24.04.2015 10:52
Gastrac, you were right about your website. We have resolved this issue, it is now getting the full amount of hits as requested.

Regarding the content of your site, I am a bit worried that it will some day cause problems so please make sure that the owner does not display any illicit content which causes the surfbar to malfunction (framebreaker, JavaAlert windows).

gastrac 27.04.2015 11:31
Thank you Djoni, seems that it worked well. I hope that every website(not even mine) even with 0.5 BTP will be displayed if there are no bidders and no other wqebsites available :)

One additional question. I have seen that some countries have a lower price than 0.5 BTP ( I wonder how is that possible if minimum bid is 0.5 BTP. Is the limit 0.5 BTP so strict that it cannot be lowered someday ? Still, I have feeling that there are not enough advertisers for most of the countries.

khaos 12.05.2015 00:10
Hi folks, just trying to wrap my head around this cool new system.

If my max bid is 1 point, and a visitor from a "0.85 country" views my site I assume I only pay 0.85... Okay, but is there some sort of priority - cheapest visits first, or most expensive visitors first? I do not use geotargeting at all.

djoni 12.05.2015 10:04
Thank you for your question, as this might be interesting to know for other members.

The higher the bid, the more likely it is that you will get a visitor. The highest bid always stands out and will "win" the impression. If the average bid for a country is 0,85 BTP and if you wish to receive a large number of visitors, it is recommended to place a higher bid. At the same time, you will probably still get visitors if your bid is lower than the average amount. It is then just less likely that the site will be displayed.