Topic: More than 7 months of perfect payments!

golbus 06.04.2015 07:41
Give someone famous, someone not a project with a yield of 60% per month which pays for more than 7 months. After verification of account bonus 50$ which can be used once for credit. Very good management gives reason to believe that the project is long term and is only gaining momentum. Their referrals provide support and assistance in the capital increase. Overall my attachment is 150( November) at the time my account looked like this, a report from the newspaper! link to регистрации ready to answer any questions.
$ 2 650.00
$ 2 000.00
$ 37.20
$ 899.51

Credit to Arbitration
(up to $3000)
Statistics on 21/03/2015
number of transactions (PCs)70 854
the amount of transactions$ 19 373 375
the average time (days)23.16
the average amount of$ 273
average Stavka.41%
sold certificato 035
sold for$ 75 549
transactions on the stock exchange (PCs)1 077
the amount of transactions$ 88 567
new uchastnikov 324
just uchastnikov 575 919 60% return in a month.

golbus 06.04.2015 07:49
Vebtransfer продолжает радовать своих клиентов, не упустите свой шанс иметь гарантированный ежемесячный доход 60%! Now at the moment my account looks like.
Кредит на Арбитраж
(до $3000)

Статистика на 06/04/2015

кол-во сделок (шт.)36 261
сумма сделок$ 10 062 885
средний срок (дн.)19.15
средняя сумма$ 278
средняя ставка1.26%
продано сертификатов249
продано на сумму$ 22 699
сделки на бирже (шт.)607
сумма сделок$ 56 365
новых участников3 157
всего участников3 844 586

golbus 06.05.2015 10:37
Received another profits from the project Vebtransfer
Sostan↓ Action transaction Number From/to Account Amount Fee Balance Details
11:26 06.05.15 Receive 88892058 U8332551
Webtransfer Europe Ltd +130.00 130.02 Received Payment 130.00 USD from account U8332551. Memo: API Payment. The transfer of money from purse No. 90831575. Payment ID: 40417020