Topic: Did not receive any website IMPRESSIONS.

mike1437 02.12.2014 21:45
Hello. I just checked my impressions today given from ebesucher and it says I received 290 supposedly. I checked my blogger analytics, and it had given me 0 impressions from this site. I wonder why that is? Someone help please.

darsy2001 03.12.2014 21:24
i have the same problem, not receiving impressions from ebesucher. Can someone help?

TMM99 03.12.2014 23:17
Me too! Any updates please?

djoni 04.12.2014 11:36
@darsy2001, all of your websites have been deactivated, which is why you do not get any visitors.

@mike1437, you do not have any points in your balance.

@TMM99, your campaign is activated and you are now receiving visitors

tbae74 04.12.2014 13:28
weeb why I can not be received by ebesucher?

tbae74 04.12.2014 23:10
I had to stop the Java page on weebly Alert me, but why weebly I still rejected by ebesucher? ..

harry3y8 07.12.2014 09:57
Based on the function of transfer points was cancelled, i have provide the service of helping to you for surfing the point on your account, if you are interested and want to know more about it , please pm me :smile:

djoni 08.12.2014 19:50
@tba74, we have responded you by email.