eBesucher Bidding – Dynamic Advertising Costs

Published on Apr.16.2015 19:09 | 4 Comments

For quite a while, eBesucher is experiencing a structural imbalance: countries like Germany are known to have a high number of advertisers who compete for impressions, whereas surfbar-users from non German-speaking countries or countries outside of Europe are competing for advertisers. For the later, the amount of websites that can be displayed in the surfbar is often insufficient. The following update aims to counteract this effect seeks to provide a balanced and especially fair distribution of the available resources.

eBesucher Bidding

Our solution to the above mentioned problem is the eBesucher Bidding and thus, the dynamic advertising costs. In the future, the costs for impressions will no longer be calculated statically (1 BTP / 15s, 2 BTP / 30s, etc.), but rather dynamic. This innovation has advantages for both the advertisers as well as the surfbar-users, which we will explain in the following post.

The eBesucher Bidding provides the option to specify the maximum amount that an advertiser is willing to pay for an impression in the surfbar. This amount can be considered as a bid which directly competes with the bids of the other advertisers. The highest bid outweighs all the other bids and leads to situation that the website with the highest priority will be immediately displayed in the surfbar. So the following applies: The higher the bid, the more users will be able to see your own website. Thus, the price as well the earnings that result from an impression of a website is dynamic.

eBesucher Bidding

Advantages for the surfbar-users

The dynamic advertising costs will strengthen the demand in countries, which have so far demonstrated an insufficient sponsor density. This will have a positive effect on the earnings of the surfbar-users.

Whenever advertisers are trying to outbid each other, the compensation will increase in those countries where the demand is already high. The increase in the costs for an impression will be passed on – to the usual conditions – to the surfbar users.

More infos can be found in our wiki.

Advantages for the advertisers

The dynamic advertising costs allow advertisers to place their ads in countries that have a low sponsor density at a very reasonable price. We will lower the advertising costs in those countries to less than 1 BTP / visitor. Advertising with eBesucher will thus become more affordable!

Furthermore, the advertisers can directly influence the priority of their advertising campaigns. The higher the bid, the more visitors will be able to see the website.


All of the added websites in the exchange will receive the standard offer of 1,0 BTP / 15s, this corresponds to the current pricing model, so nothing will change. The settings for the eBesucher Bidding are located in the members area under Traffic exchange > Manage pages > Edit  > Costs and Consumption 


The eBesucher Bidding will start on Monday the 20th of April at 12pm Central European Summer Time (UTC+02:00). We are happy to say that the dynamic bidding system allows us to respond to the needs of our users and advertisers!


Robert Apr.23.2015 09:06

Wie kann es sein, dass ich 1,52 BTP/30 Sk. sehe und danach 1,6 BTP/30 sek.? müsste ich die nicht erst zum Schluss sehen?

Und leider sehe ich gerade gar keine Seite, Auslastung also doch nicht so prall, wieso sollten also Webmaster mehr bieten?

plusminus11 Apr.22.2015 10:42

Судя по наблюдениям, заработок стал еще меньше! Зашибись 😀 .

Hansl Apr.17.2015 10:09

Hört sich ja “spannend” an. Am wichtigsten wird wohl die Kontrolle des “Bieter-Efolgs” für den Werbetreibenden sein. Also ein cooles Tool oder so 🙂 Bin gespannt.

MrGame Apr.17.2015 07:48

good update