SCORE (Satellite)

Telecommunication & Mobile Phones

The SCORE project describes the name of the world's first communications satellite. With the help of a converted intercontinental missile, Score was sent into space by the USA in 1958. Within the first days of its journey, the satellite received voice messages from earth, which it recorded on tape and then sent it back. It also managed to send live broadcasts before it run out of power after 13 days. Few weeks later, the satellite vaporized during the re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere.


danostephen 20.07.2023 18:51
le ciel a un nouveau bijoux

aliicy 11.05.2023 09:42
Very good for learning

shehfm0i 05.03.2023 21:02
El espacio la frontera final

maisam6460 23.02.2023 08:08
well got to learn new things

Ulice03 17.01.2023 21:22
El espacio la frontera final

Server123 19.11.2022 22:05
cool fact for the day

ARTURO19 08.08.2022 04:55
Buena información

Taalay 05.07.2022 04:49
Очень полезная информация

Carol85 03.06.2022 04:21
Buenas información

cristina_mira 23.05.2022 19:00