SCORE (Satellite)

Telecommunication & Mobile Phones

The SCORE project describes the name of the world's first communications satellite. With the help of a converted intercontinental missile, Score was sent into space by the USA in 1958. Within the first days of its journey, the satellite received voice messages from earth, which it recorded on tape and then sent it back. It also managed to send live broadcasts before it run out of power after 13 days. Few weeks later, the satellite vaporized during the re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere.


juan_rodriguez13 17.04.2021 02:59
tecnologia muito boa

tshepothreezerosix 07.04.2021 09:24
satellite technology good info

minitito 06.04.2021 17:47
go nasa go nasa!

will123 04.04.2021 07:40
muito interessante

johannajandusay 29.03.2021 23:45
very smart ways

afsaneh_zkh 15.03.2021 17:07
Telecommunication & Mobile Phones

minitito 15.03.2021 05:41
Wow! This is more interesting

paulofe02992704 07.03.2021 04:48
muitoi interessante

sandoval_andre 19.01.2021 13:11
satelite que sao os olhos do mundooooooooooo

Josep2 13.01.2021 15:40
Good to know that