IBM Simon

Telecommunication & Mobile Phones

Smartphones were invented in the new millenium? Take a second guess! The first smartphone was released by IBM in 1994. The IBM Simon could be operated exclusively via the display and IBM sold about 50.000 units.


Gbemi 27.05.2020 22:46
This is a good phone

Gbemi 27.05.2020 22:44
Iits a good phone

Reawimerus 26.05.2020 13:18
This is new information form me,

powwahchan 01.05.2020 07:06
ew millenium? Take a second guess! Th

Luis88RR 19.04.2020 12:29
remeber the old phones nice

ziad_noaman 10.04.2020 17:59
I like it sdfdsf

cherie 01.04.2020 13:06
супер телефон, эхххх

DIMITRIOSKLONOS 24.01.2020 17:00
This was all the more amazing when one considers the short space of time......!

Satanevich 24.10.2019 10:52
i'd like to have one

trinh_bach 25.08.2019 09:51
i think it's a good phone!