A lie is like a snowball: the longer you roll it the bigger it will get.

Martin Luther (*10.11.1483, † 18.02.1546), was the theological originator of the Reformation.


DivinoRico 10.08.2022 20:12
Lutero, tem toda razão.

afsaneh_zkh 21.03.2021 20:53
is he relegeus man

ArtiomRusso 16.03.2021 01:03
Bello sapere che ce cultura

raz1 25.08.2020 03:32
Very gentil men

salvador_armindo 15.08.2020 17:55
Interessante a frase escrita, resta saber a quem esta imagem tá representando!

Evander 04.06.2020 18:29
quem é o homem da imagem??

philsil 29.05.2020 07:36
you know they say if a man lies he looses his dignity lien is something bad one shouldint go for

Promodrone 19.08.2019 17:37
Too bad the Vatican doesn't think about this

Vitalia78 01.04.2019 08:08
Very interesting