Take time out to discover the potential partner

Do not rush from one relationship to another or go out with the first candidate who comes along. Many people create the impression that they want to somehow "force" a relationship because the thought of being alone causes panic. This direction is definitely not the right one. Look at the situation positively: Isn't it very romantic when the first kiss takes several months? Or when the moving in together takes more than just two months? Certain things gain more value when they are not easy to attain.


johannajandusay 26.03.2021 23:31
very informative and true

BAHOOO 08.03.2021 21:30
this a way to forgot

akambagro 25.01.2021 02:22
It was great, I liked it

pnuemanasser 08.01.2021 17:06
Absolutely correct

elamrani 08.12.2020 19:02
make the right choice

Mahmedsyed 03.10.2020 23:38
حقيقه احسنت

Eazyandy 10.09.2020 19:46
That's so beautiful for my bedside

JOHNKEST 27.08.2020 03:53
make the right choice

kourosh9 20.08.2020 09:00
hunyyyy so cute

reneschaub 06.08.2020 15:21
Absolutly correct