Anti-Authoritarian Education

Family & Relationships

The anti-authoritarian education is a concept that has been developed in the late sixties and which stresses that a child's autonomy of development is paramount. Background: the former generation of parents grew up under very conservative conditions and wanted to offer their children an upbringing which would allow them to develop without constraints. Today, the anti-authoritarian education style is criticized, because children have to learn that there are also rules and limits in life. Despite this criticism, there is a general consensus that the anti-authoritarian education has paved the way to a democratic pedagogy, which respects the needs and wishes of children.


ramasonjayavardhan 22.08.2020 20:16
Good, education is very important.

EmilyNN12 21.08.2020 20:14
Education is needed

mxia123 16.08.2020 10:37
Amazing photo. I loved it

Jerry750 09.07.2020 02:55
Education is very important. Parent should understand that

Isoral 04.07.2020 23:50
So happy New générations Kids childer happy

Thrashingron 30.06.2020 16:20
Not for me....I choose the old way.

Shubhra93 27.06.2020 16:20
Sweet kids & nice picture

Shubhra93 27.06.2020 16:19
Sweet picture, Awesome pick

kimromy 13.06.2020 08:20
la educación se vasa en lo bueno y lo malo en el hogar son los padres quienes deben de enseñarte que esta bien que puedes hacer que esta mal y que no puedes hacer la principal educación viene del hogar no de los que enseñen en la escuela

ezabizz 02.06.2020 14:47
This is interesting!