Robert Downey

Robert Downey Jr. is one of the best actors for years now. Between June 2014 and June 2015 he earned about $ 80 million. "Chaplin", "Sherlock Holmes" and "Iron Man" are only a few of his movies where he proved his acting talent. In the past however, he had some bad slips which almost ruined his career: Because of his drug use during the shooting for the series "Ally McBeal" he was dismissed by the producers. He first had to do several therapies till he finally settled down his acting career again with the movie "Gothika". With his marriage to the producer Susan Downey in 2005, he also found his fortune in love.


Tarea325 15.01.2021 17:54
We a sum creation

virende25988559 04.01.2021 08:31
Wow.. such a great actor

chilly_de_los_pumas 18.09.2020 21:52
Wow I need that

akhanne 26.08.2020 20:47
"Chaplin", "Sherlock Holmes" and "Iron Man"

Maddy1947 08.08.2020 13:20
Wow.. such a great actor

exveasy 05.08.2020 18:24
jennifer lawrence is so cool

mirkaumka 10.07.2020 21:47

Thrashingron 30.06.2020 16:25
Coool guy...Like him

Jaxxy 27.06.2020 02:53
Cute me he is one of my favourite actor

rox1129 06.06.2020 09:31
very inspiratife