Matt Damon

The US-American actor Matt Damon is famous for his movies such as "Ocean's Eleven" and the "Bourne Identity". But did you know that his closest friend Ben Affleck is also his cousin? They did not only grew up together but wrote also the screenplay for the movie "Good Will Hunting". The two even played the part of the main characters. The movie has won the Golden Globe as well as an Oscar for the Best Original Screenplay.

Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Matt Damon (3rd f. l.), Andy García and Julia Roberts, main characters in Ocean's Eleven, with director Steven Soderbergh in December 2001


Thrashingron 13.07.2020 08:29
Great actor,I like his films.

Foozer 23.06.2020 01:41
I am Matt Damon

jhulz26 10.06.2020 07:37
nice to had flashback

sukoshi 08.06.2020 09:39
Nice great website

Puna 06.06.2020 04:58
Matt Damon rocks the movie world.......

DIMITRIOSKLONOS 11.03.2020 19:17
Many of the events that take place seem implausible......, even at times incredible .......!

sergey_chesnakov 26.01.2019 09:23

Nemkela 04.04.2018 23:01
Oceans eleven is such a good movie

SwampySandbag 27.02.2017 22:28
Great actor & website!

Gidudu 14.02.2017 17:24
pretty nice