Halle Berry

Halle Berry is known from her roles in her movies such as "James Bond – Die Another Day" and "X-Men". In interviews, she is often in a good mood and humorous. But her past is anything but rosy. In her childhood, she had to witness that not only her mother but also her sister got abused by her father. Halle Berry herself had a violent boyfriend in the early 1990s. After she was beaten by him her hearing ability of her right ear declined to 20%.


lexluthertc 04.08.2020 23:58
Didn't know that. Anyone can make it!

fastlane 10.06.2020 22:24
That is awesome news

alba32 12.05.2020 15:56
Muy bonito. Súper cool

DIMITRIOSKLONOS 19.01.2020 20:43
She is the best actress for me....!

Sabi 30.10.2017 11:25

DesertRaven 07.05.2017 20:10

MrKraski 09.03.2016 14:44