Halle Berry

Halle Berry is known from her roles in her movies such as "James Bond – Die Another Day" and "X-Men". In interviews, she is often in a good mood and humorous. But her past is anything but rosy. In her childhood, she had to witness that not only her mother but also her sister got abused by her father. Halle Berry herself had a violent boyfriend in the early 1990s. After she was beaten by him her hearing ability of her right ear declined to 20%.


quoclapx19 15.04.2021 16:38
Write a bit more, we are interested in your valuable feedback!

chelijose 31.03.2021 14:43
De las Buenas Actrices

juan_rodriguez13 28.03.2021 04:31
belissima atriz

afsaneh_zkh 15.03.2021 17:05
andy has a star in hollywood

iman_khalili 08.03.2021 09:56
Good actress, be alive

Joyrun 04.01.2021 15:24
Wow, strong woman!

chilly_de_los_pumas 18.09.2020 21:51
Very nice this post

chilly_de_los_pumas 18.09.2020 21:49
Nice job! Love it

Doreenah 22.08.2020 19:06
She just turned 54 years the other day. She looks 30!

akhanne 17.08.2020 04:50
She is the best actress for me....!