Invention of Printing

Books and Magazines

Johannes Gensfleisch, called Gutenberg (*around 1400 - †1468), has come up with a movable printing device and is thus known for having invented modern typography. His first print was a version of the Bible, which consisted of only 42 lines. Today, the invention of modern printing is considered as a milestone which marked the end of the middle ages and led humanity to the Age of Enlightenment.


Ermi7 31.08.2022 12:09
it is wonderful step of Gutenberg

Ermi7 31.08.2022 12:08
it is wonderful step

Vitalina5669 09.07.2022 16:51
very cool !!! good

Joker1999 10.05.2022 16:56
Best layout and good cooler conding for this case

Silvia89 06.04.2022 09:38
very cool ueah !!!!

Alime 20.01.2022 12:27
Ne guzel kaliteye bak

Zugu 18.01.2022 16:06
I thought printing began in Egypt. Lots to learn

Mimoo 04.01.2022 04:07
it is old but gold

JellyLava 07.11.2021 12:18
that text looks fancy and cool

akcin 31.07.2021 18:44
i like this information