Preparation for a telephone interview

Telephone interviews are becoming increasingly popular in companies, as they allow a cost-effective pre-selection. Generally speaking, a phone interview is a positive sign, as it proves that the employer is interested in you and your skills. Try to find out the duration of the interview beforehand. If the duration is about 20 minutes, only basic information such as your availability and desired salary may be clarified. If the interview lasts about 45-60 minutes, it is comparable with a personal interview and requires therefore a thorough preparation. Prepare good questions in order to inquire about the company that you have applied for.


philsil 29.05.2020 17:27
actually its good way not to make e😜enses for your interviewee

maxmax1337 09.05.2020 12:20
great idea - should be norm going forward

smbs17 30.04.2020 02:43
its great what do you think without it

Luis88RR 19.04.2020 13:21
telephone helped connecting people

vivitorr2 14.04.2020 07:40
curti muito o conteúdo

DIMITRIOSKLONOS 26.01.2020 17:50
He hires you or rejects you phone ... before catching up ... to understand what happen ....... !! ????? !!!

Alex19762004 21.08.2019 17:01
Nowadays it is Skype interviews.

Sup07 04.11.2018 00:36
Une information complète

lumicris 11.06.2018 20:40
its good to know

bumbi4ka 17.01.2018 10:27