Preparation for a telephone interview

Telephone interviews are becoming increasingly popular in companies, as they allow a cost-effective pre-selection. Generally speaking, a phone interview is a positive sign, as it proves that the employer is interested in you and your skills. Try to find out the duration of the interview beforehand. If the duration is about 20 minutes, only basic information such as your availability and desired salary may be clarified. If the interview lasts about 45-60 minutes, it is comparable with a personal interview and requires therefore a thorough preparation. Prepare good questions in order to inquire about the company that you have applied for.


alirezazarini 17.04.2022 21:09
what a perfet job

Mkjobs 04.03.2022 19:28
Good Idea....ite Very nice

SRostami 07.01.2022 20:42
توانایی خوبی دارد

SRostami 07.01.2022 20:41
عالی تر از اونچه فکر بکنید

SRostami 07.01.2022 20:36
بسیار عالی ارزش امتحان کردن دارد

srvt 09.12.2021 19:51
Güzel gerçekten

oobatuhanbey 07.12.2021 21:57
Güzel gerçekten

chen133 21.09.2021 11:26
Nicely written easily understood

homer821218 02.06.2021 05:36
very good for it~

Vybze 01.06.2021 05:02
Good idea

It perfect