

Chess was invented in northern India, around 600 AD. From here, it was brought to Europe through the Islamic expansion, where it became very well known from the 13th century on. Today, chess is the most popular board game. An interesting development in recent decades is the influence of chess programs. A significant number of professionals assume, that chess will lose long-term appeal because computer programs of the future are expected to always be superior to humans.


fnbarcel 18.05.2021 16:32
Excelente para o desenvolvimento do raciocínio!!!

awrmixx 06.05.2021 02:14
Šah sam igrala još kao dete, i sada ga volim

kibobz 01.05.2021 08:47
bon pour le cervoeu

Fabricior821 05.04.2021 20:46
show demais , super, super

afsaneh_zkh 16.03.2021 18:26
good for thinking

Charlotte6455 09.03.2021 20:40
Interesting game-much thought needed.

romario_alves 06.03.2021 10:08
O xadrez ainda é o jogo mais interessante do mundo e continuará a ser

xLanaDelRey 26.02.2021 10:08
I am still loving the chess life.

Georgeey 25.02.2021 06:38
Chess is still the most interesting game in the world and it will remain to be

boxepic 16.02.2021 21:22
Chess is game of kings