Apple I

Computer and accessories

Image Source: Ed Uthman / wikipedia under CC BY-SA 2.0

The Apple I was designed by Steve Wozniak and is the world's first PC manufactured in series. Between 1976 and 1977, more than 200 copies have been sold for the price of 666,66 US dollars per item. The Apple I has 4 KB of memory and a CPU that has 1,023 MHz. The computer is considered an absolute collectors item that is traded for several hundred thousand US dollar, as only 63 remaining devices have been confirmed to exist.


maisam6460 23.02.2023 07:57
Interesting information

Frank345 18.10.2022 06:40
Computer made of wood 😄

vickisnemeth 07.09.2022 05:55
Wow, I didn't know "wooden computer" was anything more than a figure of speech.

Arezou_brv 27.07.2022 08:23
Very good iformation

stiven08 07.06.2022 03:25
interesante historia

eslamsam 18.05.2022 18:17
Very good iformation

MadaGameiro 24.04.2022 14:54
nice, important info

amantide 22.04.2022 10:13
Certo che ne ha fatta di strada...

sonia_andrei 20.04.2022 15:47
Sono migliorati tanto

skylindra 14.03.2022 17:29
komputer dengan kearifan lokal