European Viper


The European Viper (Vipera berus) is part of the family of vipers and one of the few venomous snakes that has also settled in Europe. The snake is very shy and passive but a bite may cause respiratory or circulatory problems up to paralysis. However, the venom is not lethal for humans.




Asia, Central and Northern Europe


Polash50 06.04.2021 10:16
European Viper also a dangerous snake but his poison help us to make a good medicine.

GabrielSilva 04.04.2021 05:47
Beautiful and dangerous

afsaneh_zkh 15.03.2021 11:03
beautiful and dengreous

Nenow 05.03.2021 11:33
Get the veon out and it becomes such a nice pet.

SixAnaliza 25.02.2021 10:51
beautiful to see, but very dangerous!

Mahmoud767 10.02.2021 20:32
This is the first time yo see that

Cadamdan 23.01.2021 11:36
Wonderful information

elasar68 20.01.2021 05:24
I do not know why I was afraid of snakes as a child

Radi009 25.12.2020 19:49
Saya takut dengan ular

mhdkharoub 22.11.2020 19:15
Hola Hola Amigos