Turn Down The Heat

Free of Charge

A rule of thumb says: the costs for heating a home rise by 6% with each additional degree Celsius. It is therefore recommended to turn the heat down and to wear an additional sweater that keeps you warm. However, make sure that your home does not cool down too much, as it else might catch mold.


tyf_k_tb 12.05.2021 22:25
جميل للغاية سعيدة بوجودي هنا

tyf_k_tb 12.05.2021 22:25
إنه لأمر رائع التدفئة

NguyenVanHT 12.05.2021 12:08
Very wise piece,never be penny wise

NguyenVanHT 12.05.2021 12:08
Peça muito sábia, nunca seja mesquinho

Estou absolutamente de acordo com este tópico

NguyenVanHT 12.05.2021 12:08
a melhor maneira para se ganhar dinheiro é se desfazendo de coisas velhas

thayhellen 11.05.2021 21:43
Peça muito sábia, nunca seja mesquinho

Estou absolutamente de acordo com este tópico

ericsson_botchwey 08.05.2021 06:26
Very wise piece,never be penny wise

Sergdsv64 05.04.2021 13:15
Интересная информация

Hasandincer 04.04.2021 21:14
Güzel çok güzel bilgiler faydali

Hasandincer 04.04.2021 21:14
Çok iyiydi bilgiler için teşekkür ederiz bravoo basarilarr