Proper Ventilation

Free of Charge

Proper ventilation is important, as this can save you money during the colder months of the year. Instead of tilting a window for longer, it should be opened wide for a couple of minutes. This allows you to ban the humid air from the room, without having furniture and walls lose their heat. After having ventilated the room, you will notice that it heats up way easier. This has a simple reason: dry air has a lower heat capacity and therefore heats up faster!


arko_debnath 10.01.2021 05:40
It can give us fresh air

Nany77 27.10.2020 05:43
the old time was the best

Fradealexandra 18.10.2020 06:36
ventilação adequada sempre a melhor maneira se refrescar o ambiente

djustelfreya 15.10.2020 23:52
need more fresh air

mamoundi 05.10.2020 13:16
omg very old window

mamoundi 21.09.2020 13:30
very nice ooooh

Melanie96 05.09.2020 11:51
Fresh air is a bonus these days

Dudzlorca1452 27.08.2020 02:59
Yes, its very important to have a proper ventalation

salimi 19.08.2020 13:31
Fresh air is always

Priyankamit 18.08.2020 16:57
Yes it's really necessary