Transatlantic Communications Cable

Telecommunication & Mobile Phones

With TAT-1 (transatlantic No. 1), the first transatlantic telephone cable was laid between 1955 and 1956. The 3600 kilometer of cable ranged from Scotland to Newfoundland, costed $120 million and was in operation for over 20 years. Since 1927, transatlantic telephone connections were radio-based and very expensive. After today's purchasing power, the cost for a phone call from Europe to America (which lasted for around 3 minutes) amounted to over $500.


afsaneh_zkh 16.03.2021 18:43
old and perfect

mercy_mbandi 17.02.2021 09:16
Now i know. Thanks

Mohammadnazari 22.01.2021 09:35
I have one of them

sandoval_andre 19.01.2021 13:13
ja tive a e😜eriencia de ter um na casa dos meus avos

Josep2 13.01.2021 15:42
That's Old communication

YHDCN70 28.12.2020 09:32
what a journey thanks for this

ana_toni_mihajlovic 25.12.2020 09:31
good very good phone and to easy

arnold2000 21.11.2020 07:17
Wow fantastic phone

theoe 26.10.2020 20:49
I never knew this. Thanks for taking us back in time

anil_paremal 30.09.2020 08:32
hmmmmm, very interstin