Phone Booth

Telecommunication & Mobile Phones

The first phone booth was put into service in New Haven Connecticut in 1878. It took almost 3 years until the invention has reached Germany (Berlin). Phone booths soon became very popular, as they allowed the public an access to the limited number of available phone lines. Therefore, German phone booths often had a note that urged the caller to be brief and to not hold the line for longer than necessary.


hamzaessanhaji 15.11.2019 14:31

emiliiss 17.09.2019 21:04
tão bonita, não fazia ideia

sputnik79 01.09.2019 21:02

bojan989 17.07.2019 08:35
very dynamic and interesting

francyzz 03.07.2019 19:43
Wow, very interensitg

mamoundi 20.12.2018 08:42
beautiful Vision

wachin95 13.12.2018 23:31
Increible, podria ser una buena opcion en caso de bateria baja, genial!

aos2006 18.06.2018 11:48

Spicul 27.05.2018 18:03
не о чем!

KALTUBABU 22.04.2018 15:01
It's amazing