Stretching the back – exercise 2

Get down on your knees on a soft surface and keep your knees shoulder-width apart. Now push your hips forward while you reach with your arms backward towards your feet. Lean backward until you feel a stretch in the hip area and keep your head towards the ceiling. Remain in this position for 15 seconds and redo the exercise after a short break of 15 seconds.


mackline_atusasire 21.02.2024 16:27
stretching is good in the morning

gozde 23.01.2024 09:18
A great move to correct forward leaning posture.

amir0084 04.12.2021 23:30
The best thing in world

Sadeghataei 24.07.2021 13:13
Great for leg muscles

Sadeghataei 24.07.2021 13:13
Great for leg muscles

ljp0721 03.06.2021 11:34

Ahmedtawfik 01.06.2021 04:11
Every morning we can do that

kamau_gitau 21.05.2021 14:16
stretching is vital for health

kraig 12.05.2021 16:44
a really tough exercise

bellaoui 09.05.2021 17:42
must be a good one this