Find Bargains With Typos!


Relevant retailers and online auction houses offer a wide range of deals, but it is not always easy to find them. Experienced shopper know how to proceed: by searching for typos, they find items that are overlooked and unrecognized by other potential buyers. It often happens that extreme bargains are hiding behind terms like "sneackers" or "baicicle".


afsaneh_zkh 15.03.2021 11:09
usefull information

vizgaityte 28.02.2021 11:01
У меня нет идей...

elamrani 17.12.2020 11:57
good info i would more info

wabonty 06.11.2020 21:30
Great info. Learn something new everyday

yudi1981 01.09.2020 21:30
Just learnt something new

renan_petit 14.08.2020 03:16
cool , i have a idea

Pkariuki 16.07.2020 11:49
Just learnt something new

july1452 06.07.2020 07:42
well nice and good idea

Yaircynho 17.06.2020 23:53
sounds interesting...

waleed_ramadan 07.06.2020 05:40
doesnt this already exist ... fatfingers