Credit Card


The credit card was invented in the late 19th century in the United States and reached Europe in the 1950s. The most common credit card is the MasterCard (2 million ATM), followed by VISA (1.6 million ATM). Today, about 32% of the German population owns a credit card. The demand for such an advanced method of payment has grown with the booming online business.


Fabiofebiel 29.04.2021 02:13
Ótimo gosto muito

Fabiofebiel 29.04.2021 02:11
Excelente invenção gosto muito

vizgaityte 28.02.2021 10:59
У меня такая есть)

xLanaDelRey 26.02.2021 10:09
It was indeed a great idea.

Georgeey 26.02.2021 09:47
Automated teller machine

tales_dourado 23.02.2021 03:49
I love credit cards. It helps a lot!

tales_dourado 23.02.2021 03:43
It helps a lot. Thanks for the info!

timfringe 16.01.2021 12:43
I hope I had one

Mapambiri 11.01.2021 10:01

ominakeke 09.12.2020 04:25
great info here