

In 1973, the "Universal Product Code" (UPC) has been introduced in the United States. Shortly after, countries of Europe have introduced the "European Article Number" (EAN), a coding which is compatible with the UPC and which ensures a worldwide, distinctive identification of trading goods. On the 26th of June 1974, a pack of chewing gum from Wrigley became the first article that was sold using a barcode scanner. Until today, the scanners have proven to be almost indispensable from our everyday life. However, it is expected that barcodes will soon become irrelevant, as modern scanners will be able to easily determine the price of a product by taking a picture of an item and by assigning it to a photo of an existing database.


tales_dourado 23.02.2021 03:41
Very good info!

gagyl 29.01.2021 02:52
mais inovação

MASKAFU 22.01.2021 23:43
usano com moderação é um ótimo aliado

MASKAFU 22.01.2021 23:40
uma excelente invenção

sandoval_andre 19.01.2021 14:17
giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii goooooooooooooooo

elasar68 19.01.2021 10:03
today barcodes are on all goods

mostafa1971 18.01.2021 01:31
Very good tool in supermarket

David00004 14.01.2021 10:55
this is wonderfulllllll

pnuemanasser 08.01.2021 16:54
life is simplified i like it

araab 27.12.2020 20:00
i like the creations of this