Invention of Printing

Books and Magazines

Johannes Gensfleisch, called Gutenberg (*around 1400 - †1468), has come up with a movable printing device and is thus known for having invented modern typography. His first print was a version of the Bible, which consisted of only 42 lines. Today, the invention of modern printing is considered as a milestone which marked the end of the middle ages and led humanity to the Age of Enlightenment.


NguyenVanHT 13.05.2021 07:27
Invention of Printing

kelly_saturnino 09.04.2021 16:36
Passando para fazer teste

tshepothreezerosix 06.04.2021 00:01
best layout and good colour coding

tshepothreezerosix 05.04.2021 23:56
colour design is best

afsaneh_zkh 03.04.2021 08:33
i like the layout

afsaneh_zkh 15.03.2021 15:39
layout design is the good job

Charlotte6455 09.03.2021 20:42
Best thing that ever was discovered -the Printing press for reading info.

Cadamdan 07.02.2021 05:10
Life dies, and the works of inventors remain alive and benefit all people

avnu 02.01.2021 15:49
tôi rất thích điều này

hamzaessanhaji 15.12.2020 13:21