Harry Potter

Books and Magazines

In 1997, the British novelist Joanne K. Rowling wrote "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", the first book of the Harry Potter saga. She then published six more books, which have sold more than 400 million copies and are thus considered as one of the most successful bestsellers of all time.


hamzaessanhaji 09.11.2019 07:27
whaat sweety subject to read

jackiesangels 01.10.2019 02:14
not real but ok

Dog2puppy 30.09.2019 21:48
I love the Harry Potter series!

Vitalia78 18.08.2019 16:04
Greatest Film From Books At all Time

ronzz 27.05.2019 06:38
love it so much.

ronzz 27.05.2019 06:38
very interesting.

svs20959 30.03.2019 19:12
good, super my fav book series and movies!

pl128 24.02.2019 15:27
The movies are okay.

Nina19 25.11.2018 18:14
my fav book series and movies!

speedster264 06.09.2018 11:29
Greatest Film From Books At all Time