

Poker is usually played with a standard 52-card deck, whereas each player receives a hand consisting of 5 cards. Depending on the version of the game, the players are free to swap some cards in order to optimize their hand. At the end of each round, the player with the best hand wins. Poker has originated in the 19th century and has for long had a reputation of being a pure gambling game. It was only within the last few decades that poker has gained importance as a strategy game.


Luis88RR 19.04.2020 12:38
poker i like this card game

Thrashingron 21.03.2020 09:19
Great game....use to do it.

Ljeljka 27.02.2020 19:04
Мне нравится покер, он вводит в напряжение и заставляет сосредоточится, особенно, если игра на деньги и большие деньги.

silvija 18.02.2020 19:12
NE ljublju kartochnyje igry

vizgaityte 26.01.2020 15:29
Не люблю покер

clarissa_di_marco 23.01.2020 23:12
I love poker, i play with my friends

Akkludator 08.12.2019 12:31
Я инкрулер

eduardomiranda 21.07.2019 12:37
isso é muito bom, e😜erimente

crown163 12.07.2019 18:52
В карты не играю

borch21 20.04.2019 12:15
не играю