

Checkers (Draughts) is a strategic board game, which is fairly popular in countries like Germany, but considered a professional sport in countries such as New Zealand or Russia. It is played on a square board with black and white squares in alternating order. The rules as well as the size of the board vary from country to country. For example: moves in Turkey are made horizontally or vertically, and not on a diagonal.


alexandra_costa 18.10.2020 18:21
game, uma das coisas que mais importam para nova geração

yudi1981 01.09.2020 19:44
wonderfully i must go to The Gamescom to play free games with hours....days...

MrjacM 17.08.2020 15:39
How it's going to play? Same as otello? But diff. Maybe name on diff. Land

mxia123 16.08.2020 10:41
nice game. I used to play this

july1452 06.07.2020 06:59
yes played it too..

rafaloopess 04.07.2020 18:22
I still play this as an adult

emelynborres 30.06.2020 17:10
sometimes i play this

excalabear 22.06.2020 13:08
I still play this as an adult

najmshah02 17.06.2020 10:47
I like playing this game when i was a child

fastlane 12.06.2020 09:45
I love this game played it since I was a kid