Civil Union

Family & Relationships

In Germany, the so-called "Lebenspartnerschaftsgesetz" (LPartG) from 2001 is the legal basis for the civil union of same-sex couples. It allows two people of the same sex to enter into a marriage-like liaison. A civil union is not treated equally to a marriage between a man and a woman. Besides adopting each other, this is the only way to give a homosexual partnership a legal framework. Critics have therefore noted that such a provision is incompatible with the German anti-discrimination law.


Walead 11.05.2020 02:57
union family i admire it

salvatore_granata 05.04.2020 11:10

it's wonderful very very very very important

Thrashingron 21.03.2020 09:16
Most importend thing is family

Cad1001 15.03.2020 14:55
"A civil union is not treated equally to a marriage between a man and a woman". Perfect.

xakerbox 17.02.2020 12:17
Why not. It's really good

barry76 21.01.2020 17:10
Awesome, I would love this

aakanab 01.10.2019 17:05
красота да и только

ndabenhle_hlambelo 10.06.2019 21:20
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andyguo12 11.12.2018 03:19
wow this is nice

Sup07 28.11.2018 08:42
L'amitié compte