Pocket money


The main task of handing pocket money to children, is to teach them to handle money independently and to learn to maintain their expenses. The amount of money that a child should receive, primarily depends on his age, as well as on his place of residence and the financial situation of his parents. In general, teachers recommend that parents whose children are attending the same class, should coordinate the amount of pocket money. Pictured here: a weekly pocket money recommendation for children of different ages from Germany.


BillyBR 05.05.2021 06:02
Demmmmmmmmmais, muito bom

Babs8077 22.04.2021 22:25
Cette méthode de financement des enfants est très intéressante.

tshepothreezerosix 14.04.2021 10:51
great information

Santoritchos 11.04.2021 21:36
nao sei se estou fazendo certo

kadi41 04.04.2021 14:00
I enjoyed working on this site


Tiar7579 31.03.2021 05:19
i work it out

juan_rodriguez13 31.03.2021 03:56
Recebia muito mesada era minha alegria

whit_carver 24.02.2021 23:45
I enjoy working on this project

valdir_claudio 23.02.2021 03:00
humm....eu queria ter tido mesada na minha infancia

Reyhan 08.02.2021 11:10
easy money, pocket money