
Computer and accessories

The first supercomputer became operational in 1976 and was able to perform a computing power of about 130 MegaFLOPS. This is not much, compared with the performance of a new home computer: A current Intel i7 processor is able to achieve more than 30.000 MegaFLOPS. The fastest supercomputer in the world is located in China, his name is Tianhe-2. On an area of about 700 square meters, Tianhe 2 achieves a computing power of more than 33,000 TerraFLOPS and consumes about 17000 kW of power.


NOGOVA 16.12.2021 17:40
La historia de la computación mundo de conocimientos

drasiku 09.12.2021 22:05
Good to view supercomputer

sam_al 04.12.2021 19:29
i like it very much

Udaysunny 27.10.2021 09:33
It's very good way

widagdo 19.10.2021 07:17
Technology improves with time

marcos_fonseca 25.09.2021 16:08
ah eu com um desses

BabygirlC 13.09.2021 20:28
Really super Computer

reinaldo_de_aquino 24.07.2021 04:28

afshinpp 07.06.2021 16:57
i want to make one of these.

Lamarkk 29.05.2021 23:29
Melhor a recomendação