IBM 350

Computer and accessories

Image Source: ArnoldReinhold / wikipedia under CC BY-SA 3.0

The IBM 350 was published in 1956 and is regarded as the world's first hard disk. It is made out of dozens aluminium plates, which rotate at a speed of 1200 revolutions per minute and which can save up to 5 Megabytes. Until the end of the sixties, the IBM 350 was rented for a monthly fee of 350 US dollars.


vgc777 08.03.2022 11:28
What an old technologyu

vgc777 08.03.2022 10:15
what a sight so see an old tech!!!

Magicmoon 09.01.2022 21:27
Whats this i want know

giacchetti889 25.12.2021 19:03
very good machine. GOOD

salem_ma_jr 25.11.2021 10:31
good to know that

lennykal 25.11.2021 01:42
really? great information

Udaysunny 27.10.2021 09:34
Good to know that

Fernandacf325 22.10.2021 08:16
Tecnologia sempre avançando, ainda bem rs

Fernandacf325 22.10.2021 08:15
Muito bom saber

RAIKO 13.10.2021 18:51
what the hell was that

look like a milkshake hhh