Computer Mouse

Computer and accessories

Image Source: SRI International / wikipedia under CC BY-SA 3.0

The first computer mouse was designed in 1964 by Douglas Engelbart. At first glance, it has very little in common with a standard computer mouse. Douglas Engelbart's mouse is made of wood, uses two perpendicular wheels and has a red button. Today, the publication of the mouse is well known as the "mother of all demos". However, Douglas Engelbart has never known any significant advantages from his invention. In the 1980s, it was Apple under Steve Jobs who released the first commercially successful computer mouse.


kourosh9 28.08.2020 01:30
woooow It is unbelievable ....

andika332 20.08.2020 18:07
I add my RAM 4GB last wek

Rocky55 07.08.2020 16:10
nice gadgets still exist for now

jon15 03.08.2020 06:20
cool super work!

skinrelaw 02.08.2020 02:58
Interesting piece of history. The mouse is great.

skinrelaw 02.08.2020 02:53
Interesting piece of history

mfmanoj 15.07.2020 10:11
superb work . . . .

Abeed 09.07.2020 15:28
Great! It is very interessant

wadu02 06.07.2020 16:41
Thanks for the knowledge

Isoral 04.07.2020 23:47
Gréât Thank you for that