The Most Expensive Cookie in The World

A more than 100-year-old cookie from the Titanic, the famous passenger ship which sunk in 1912 and which cost the lives of about 1500 people, has been auctioned for more than 15,000.00 British Pound Sterling a couple years back. It remains unknown, whether the highest bidder intends on eating the cookie.


Abrahamcrewz 19.11.2020 14:29
crazy rich people

akambagro 07.11.2020 03:53
It is a big ship

akambagro 07.11.2020 03:53
It is a big ship

Lawzudie 09.10.2020 06:42
Ain't eating that

july1452 06.09.2020 02:44
wow intersting information

maryanlikemetal 28.08.2020 13:34
I disliked because you will realize how many people died on this titanic to watch the movie and I could not imagine how sad I could be this titanic I don't find anything interesting on this topic

eph2leo 21.08.2020 13:10
Wow....this is nuts

livinus_ikpeze 06.08.2020 19:55
Very interesting

NourMekhi 19.07.2020 14:57
Amazing thing :

Pkariuki 16.07.2020 12:44
One interesting must know!