The Most Expensive Cookie in The World

A more than 100-year-old cookie from the Titanic, the famous passenger ship which sunk in 1912 and which cost the lives of about 1500 people, has been auctioned for more than 15,000.00 British Pound Sterling a couple years back. It remains unknown, whether the highest bidder intends on eating the cookie.


Jetron26 23.01.2022 17:25
Galletas muy poderosas y fuertes

NOGOVA 18.12.2021 13:42
Galleta de colección

NOGOVA 16.12.2021 16:46
No debe comersela

tiger_gamasa 09.10.2021 16:43
A very powerful case.

sergio728 29.09.2021 07:06
excelente pelicula

vksadish 31.08.2021 16:20
Thank you for this information.

ivani_matos 11.08.2021 20:47
I loved the movie

ivani_matos 11.08.2021 20:46
I loved the movie

ivani_matos 11.08.2021 20:45
Excellent story. very good

Leber95 05.08.2021 06:38
Estoy que no lo creo