Find Bargains With Typos!

Known retailers and online auction houses offer a wide range of deals, but it is not always easy to find them. Experienced shopper know how to proceed: by searching for typos, they find items that are overlooked and unrecognized by other potential buyers. It often happens that extreme bargains are hiding behind terms like "sneackers" or "baicicle".


Dsalvador 09.08.2020 22:09
good game, very interested

july1452 06.07.2020 10:16
ahhh ok, im not familliar, ill try

Thrashingron 30.06.2020 16:25
Interessting and coool

Mofarouk 13.06.2020 21:03
nice games for brains woow

kimromy 13.06.2020 17:59
uno se consiente de esos errores y los acepta

elmasry100 30.05.2020 01:09
nice waaaaaaaaaaw

ramon_espiritu 25.04.2020 20:07
very interesting indeed

DIMITRIOSKLONOS 14.03.2020 18:28
We know about human error , mechanical failure and accidents..........1

rompecrisis 21.06.2019 23:19
bstante creativo y genail

gteytey 17.04.2018 10:43
interesting nice