White Shark


Few animals on this earth spread more terror than the white shark, even though incidents that involve humans are very rare. On the other hand, thousands of white sharks annually perish as bycatch of commercial fishing, which is why they are an endangered species. White sharks can dive as deep as 3200 foot (1000 meter) and can weigh more than 2 tons.






Rub234 31.07.2022 05:57
Me gusto mucho buena información

Kotiuzhan 28.07.2022 21:21
Very interesting

Sohelh233 21.07.2022 13:58
Very dangerous

Taalay 06.07.2022 12:42
El animal mas grande del su Reino

Rakotoson 23.02.2022 18:38
Incroyable comme créature !

Rakotoson 23.02.2022 18:38
Incroyable comme créature !

Jetron26 23.01.2022 17:21
Muy buena publicación

Alime 21.01.2022 20:35
Karsilasmak istemem

Fordler1776 07.01.2022 21:42
What a good man

vladimir2303200 18.12.2021 01:22
Какие большие зубы