The Mobile Phone

Telecommunication & Mobile Phones

The first mobile phone was invented by Motorola in 1973. Still, the rise of mobile phones began only in the early nineties, when the evolution of digital mobile networks finally allowed to reduce the required battery life. Thus, they bacame easier to handle and were more suitable for mass production. Ever since the release of the first iPhone in 2007 or the Android OS (2008), the mobile phone has become an indispensable part of our everyday life.


dudarezend3 05.05.2021 15:35
Nossa, que maravilha essa informação!

Um dos melhores

BillyBR 05.05.2021 05:51
Um dos melhores

Bia_Cris 03.05.2021 00:55
Nossa, que maravilha essa informação!

hbikendi 27.04.2021 12:09
Phone history. Thanks

anavozeniak 22.04.2021 20:27
tecnologia é demais

y10k 21.04.2021 10:38
woo,Phone history

Sportsboy19 01.04.2021 05:04
They keep on getting better

juan_rodriguez13 28.03.2021 18:05
goto bastante da samsung.

juan_rodriguez13 28.03.2021 18:03
a tendencia é so modernizar mais.

afsaneh_zkh 14.03.2021 16:08
yesterdays to todays