Balance exercise 1

Stand up straight and with your legs together. Transfer your weight to your left leg and flex your right knee so that the soles pull against the inner sides of your left thighs. Keep your arms folded at chest-height. Remain in this position for 30 seconds and repeat the exercise with your right leg.


nadiya_sheludko 04.03.2024 17:09
Круто, дуже корисно

atena88 31.12.2022 11:49
its good exercise

ljaiyy06 29.11.2022 09:23
I always do learn to balance...more like using your brain to control your body

mahziyar 06.09.2022 12:29
yes i am relax

feels good

Taalay 05.07.2022 04:30
очень хорошо

KheiPee 28.02.2022 09:22
I always do learn to balance...more like using your brain to control your body

KheiPee 28.02.2022 09:19
This is nice and full of fun.

Trabajodiario 16.11.2021 16:51
El ejercicio es importante para nuestro cuerpo

ayo4all 17.09.2021 12:00
This is nice and full of fun.

luisfalcone 17.08.2021 00:01
quien no izo el 4 alguna ves