

Football is the most popular sport in the world. It is estimated that more than 250 million people play football.

Invented in

19th Century

Country of origin

United Kingdom

Olympic discipline since



Jemmetta 02.05.2024 10:21
Football amazing

Moti98 12.04.2023 11:51
It's nice to have sports like that football is great C.Ronaldo is even greater(^_°)

Yony08 23.01.2023 12:51
Lo mejor del mundo

Yony08 23.01.2023 12:50
Me encanta esté deporte

abdelilahfb 14.01.2023 22:28
رائع جدا

Rosella16 05.10.2022 23:41
Football is very popular here in's very exciting to watch it personal..

alsnwy22 27.09.2022 15:57
جميل جدا

Katahs 22.01.2022 21:23

gracias por la buena informacion

luisaugusto 01.06.2021 17:09
Futebol é mágico

Ahmedtawfik 01.06.2021 04:19
It's first thing tomorrow I will do