Appointment arrangement

If you are selected for the short list during the application process, the company will usually contact you via phone or email only a few days after your application in order to arrange an appointment for a personal or telephone interview. Make sure to agree on a time when you are in a good shape. It is also important to find out the name and the current position of your interview partner in social networks such as LinkedIn. With this info, you are able to better assess the potential questions you may face during the interviewing process.


albert922 20.02.2020 04:14
A good reminder

Pe4atnik 17.09.2019 16:18
Прикольная картинка

dmitriy_sergeevich 17.12.2018 20:05
Отлично, супер!!!

jojofromjory 15.12.2018 21:48
I just want money

sfguy1980 03.12.2018 00:01
So you are telling me there is hope?

pavlina_pavlova 18.11.2018 09:31
Yes that is right

Eduard0975 19.10.2018 19:43
Very fantastic and cool !

youngta 20.10.2017 01:47

smsenthilkumar 05.10.2017 08:44

wisnu_setiadi 20.09.2017 06:16
thats great