Take initiative

Certainly, the expectations of the men's world are not very fair. It's often the man that has to make the first step when it comes to flirting. And that fact might bring pressure to men. Especially, if your dream woman is within your reach and your adrenaline increases to a high level. But be brave and dare taking the initiative!


afsaneh_zkh 14.03.2021 21:36
am falling love too

pnuemanasser 08.01.2021 17:05
wow this really beautiful.

mamoundi 26.10.2020 06:47
oh my god its very nice

Jugurta 04.09.2020 10:52
Formidable et top

mouktafi 30.08.2020 22:20
exactement tu as raison

Pooja1991 30.08.2020 19:13
Very nice picture

NourMekhi 19.07.2020 14:56
i do not think so .

Vakarjois 18.06.2020 23:46
it should be so, because women can only use feelings, while men use reason to lure women on the contrary so do women prioritize persaan to lure men

Leta 13.03.2019 13:24
I always have to make that first step or move men are too shy

PrinplupRocks 23.06.2017 23:15