Just say "Hello" – Start a simple conversation

Flirting means having fun. That's the reason why the first conversation should not become a torture for you. So if you are not sure what to say: Before your flirting partner gets out of sight because you have spent the last hour contemplating on how to initiate a conversation ... How about a simple "Hello!" Perhaps you are lucky and your flirting partner takes over the leadership.


Shmimi 07.02.2024 00:33
Hope everyone is warm where they are

Itel 02.01.2024 05:52
Love is in the air wil j staan of will j le

danostephen 25.07.2023 16:46
merci pour le conseil j'aime bien votre conseil

Nicolas2224 11.01.2023 01:36
me gusta muy interesante#

semoo55 08.02.2022 08:31
i love it,i will try

Moseh026 14.05.2021 13:21
And keep the fire burning

dufred 05.05.2021 04:58
ola tudo calmo.

afsaneh_zkh 14.03.2021 21:35
being tall sth getting hard

aleksey7311 10.03.2021 05:44
Можно просто начать с шутки.

akambagro 25.01.2021 02:26
Flirting means having fun