Be natural

Everyone has a different taste and beauty is subjective. Therefore, don't get discouraged if you do not comply with the society's norms and expectations. The appearance is only the first impression of a person. Fortunately, most people are not superficial and judge you by your character. Thus, the big picture is important. So be natural, not only when it comes to your appearance but also in the conversation with your flirt partner. Doing so will allow you to stay true to yourself!


Mayadaseada 20.05.2020 02:03
love it amazing website <3

cuddles 22.04.2020 03:05
Yes b yourself and dress welll its good for u state ov mind too

albert922 20.02.2020 03:22
I agree to that

DIMITRIOSKLONOS 26.01.2020 10:44
it's true we should always be ourselves ...... for anyone we like ....and everyone we love....!

redhami 13.12.2018 16:14
woow, i like it

lumicris 11.06.2018 22:39
good advice

Darksyder 17.01.2018 07:02
Like this

al1978 28.08.2017 03:48