Take time out to discover the potential partner

Do not rush from one relationship to another or go out with the first candidate who comes along. Many people create the impression that they want to somehow "force" a relationship because the thought of being alone causes panic. This direction is definitely not the right one. Look at the situation positively: Isn't it very romantic when the first kiss takes several months? Or when the moving in together takes more than just two months? Certain things gain more value when they are not easy to attain.


MoseKemunto 21.11.2023 00:49
Always take your time

sofi_alaalina 10.08.2023 20:12
صحيح تأني في علاقة

carmen87 10.02.2023 20:05
hay que darle la importancia que merece

Dakota23 25.09.2022 06:39
Yes always take time out for you

Ranoshka 29.03.2022 18:23
Time is a very valuable resource in our life.

PedroNetto2022 11.02.2022 11:47
eu prefiro somente comentar o relógio

vladimir_sergeev 31.12.2021 04:03
Главное не спешить

vladimir_sergeev 31.12.2021 04:02
Мне нравится

Ebooksoftwear 05.07.2021 22:43
I will have to start doing this

Ezzat 16.05.2021 22:12
make the right choice It was great, I liked it